The GPS Deck by Steve Gore

  • BrandsPenguin Magic
  • Product Code: card trick
  • Availability: In Stock

  • ₹2,499.00

Instantly find ANY card, anytime.. even after shuffling! You'll love it even more after you learn the BRILLIANT secret.

"HOLY SH*T!!!! That's AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple. Deceptive. Simply deceptive!!! " - Marcus Eddie

"The GPS deck is a weapon, use it cautiously" - Asi Wind

"Your deck is the best thing that happened to card magic" -Lior Manor

"Dangerous in the wrong hands." -R Paul Wilson

"Let's just say I know a little something about marked decks and you will have a lot of fun with this. Very clever ideas here" -Jon Armstrong

"Seeing the prototype was truly one of the highlights of the Blackpool convention for me." - Brent M Braun

"Genius ideas and very easy to use." -Andy Stone

"Superb. The deck can be examined without much fear of being caught. I'm tempted to buy a brick to make sure I always have them. Highly recommended for the serious card worker." -Ian Barradell

"I am especially taken with the GPS Deck. I would recommend to anyone wanting to look like a real card sharp, without putting in the hours, weeks or months of practice. Well done, Steve. 10/10." -Paul McCaig

"Wow, very cool. No hype on these decks as they do what they say and do it well. Nothing to wear out too which is nice. Good stuff." -Paul Gibson

"This is a dream deck." -Mats Kjellstrom

"These decks make the beginner look like a professional and the professional look like a God!" -Luke Jonas, Olnas Magic

"I love Steve Gore's GPS deck. It's G-reat! P-ractical and S-mart!" - Angelo Carbone

Steve Gore's absolutely incredible 'GPS' DECK is SO clever you honestly will NOT believe it!

The specially designed 'Regatta' deck is custom printed by the USPCC - the world leaders in playing card manufacture - and it's this very special design that allows you to locate ANY card in the deck quickly and easily!

But, the WAY that information is revealed to you is UNBELIEVABLY CLEVER!

This is a groundbreaking idea and introduces a 'world first' marking system which means you can get the spectator to shuffle the deck, name any card, and then locate their card in a few seconds without spreading the deck! The 'GPS' deck can be shuffled in any fashion - riffle, overhand or even washed on the table - and when you get the deck back and ANY card is named - you'll instantly be able to know where it is!!

The number of possible effects that are possible is staggering and limited only by your imagination. Included are printed instructions and online videos including a “Conversation with Pete Turner” who goes through just some of the awesome effects while adding his own advice and ideas.

Effects included in the download:

Use the force: They shuffle, name a card and pick a card. The card they pick is the one they name!
Panini - a posh sandwich: a posh sandwich effect. They shuffle, name a card, cut 2 jokers face up anywhere they like, and they spread to find their card sandwiched between the jokers! Truly stunning and baffling!
4 of a kind: They shuffle, name a value, i.e. the sevens, and you can cut to all 4 sevens!
Card to box: They shuffle, name any card and it appears in the card box. Dead cut - They shuffle, name a card and you cut straight to it, then you name a card and they cut to it!
Ambitiously: A new option to your ambitious card routine!


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Tags: Beginner